Today I focused on my triceps and my core (as the title suggested). Since I am a fighter I need to have strong arms and while my biceps are great my triceps are lacking a bit which is why I'm chose to focus on them today. I also chose my core because the core is the powerhouse of your body and if its weak then most of the other stuff doesn't really matter. Plus, everybody likes 6-packs right! My core isn't weak but that doesn't mean it couldn't be stronger. Here is the workout I did to do. Sorry I don't have any pictures of me, camera fail... None of these pictures are mine, I just searched for the exercise names.
Warm up
Some dynamic stretching (check out the video from my flexible muscles post for a sample video) and a slow 1 mile run. I want to break a sweat but not tire myself out.
You'll need some dumbbells, a chair, and an exercise ball for this workout. I am going to complete these exercises with little to no rest between moves and I am going to complete the set 3 times (going through all the exercises counts as 1 set).
Glute bridge leg raise - 10 reps

Start laying on your back with your knees bent and heels on the ground. Raise your body by squeezing your glutes (butt muscles) so that from your knees to you shoulders is in a straight line (top picture). Lift one leg and bring to your chest without sagging in your hips (bottom picture). Reverse the movement and repeat with the other leg. That is one rep.
If the leg raise is too difficult you can just do the bridge and hold for 3 seconds as 1 rep.
Focus: Glutes (butt), Abdominals (stomach),
Triangle push ups - 10

You can complete these on your toes or knees just make sure your body in flat and straight as pictured. Start with hands on the ground below your chest with your thumb and pointer finger touching. Bend elbows and slowly lower body down to hands (pictured) . Use your triceps to push your body back to the starting position. That is one rep. Keep your body tight to work your core as well and breathe out on the push up for the extra umph to get up!
Focus: Deltoids (shoulders), Pectorals (chest), Triceps ( back of arms)
Exercise ball roll in - 10

Start in a push up position with your shins on the exercise ball (step 1). Roll the exercise ball toward you by bringing your knees to your chest, your toes should still be on the ball (step 2). Return to the start by slowly stretching your legs back out. That is one rep. Remember to keep your abs tight and move slowly. This really challenges your core by forcing you to move as you attempt to keep your balance. Don't forget to breathe! Concentrating on not falling often leads people to hold their breath while doing this move but that will just lead to you gasping for air after a while. This move is also called a jackknife.
Focus: Obliques (side abs), Quadriceps (thighs), Abdominals (stomach)
Kickbacks - 10

This move can be done in many ways, I'll just show two. You can do each arm one at a time with the support of a bench (Arnold) or you can do both at once (woman in pink). It really is a matter of personal preference and ability. If you choose to use a bench you can use it as pictured or you may start with your knee on the bench as well. You begin by holding your dumbbell and bringing your elbow to your ribcage (left picture). Use your tricep to straighten your arm and

bring the weight above your hip (right picture). That is one rep. You don't have to turn to look at the weight and you don't have to bring it as high as Arnold but do try to get it above your hip. If you want to do both arms at once you can't use a bench. You would start bent at the waist, dumbbells in hand hanging toward the floor with your arms bent and elbows at your ribcage. You would then use your triceps to straighten your arms and bring the weight above your hips (pictured). You would then return to the starting position. That is one rep.
Focus: Triceps (back of arm)
Hip lifts - 10
Start laying on your back with your arms at your sides. Bring your feet straight up to the ceiling. Breathe in as you prep to lip your hips and breathe out as you curl your hips toward your ribs and try to lift them off the floor (pictured). That is one rep. Don't bring your legs down flat each time they should be pointed toward the ceiling for all the reps. Pushing your hands into the floor will help you lift and keep steady.
Focus: Lower Abdominals (the spare tire area), Obliques (side abs)
Dips - 10

You can do dips in many ways, I'm going to explain the pictured one then I'll discuss how to modify it to make it harder. If you are using a chair like me here is what you do. Find a sturdy chair (if it has arms that is fine) and sit in it. To get to the starting position you scoot your butt forward out of the chair and place your hands on the seat on the chair with your arms unbent and your fingers pointed toward you (left picture). You can have your legs bent as shown or you can have them straight out in front of you which is harder. To execute the dip bend your elbows and lower your butt to the floor. Try not to bent your arms past 90 degrees as that could be bad for your shoulders. Return to the starting position by using your triceps to push you up. That is one rep. If you are doing this move with bent knees focus on using just your triceps to complete the move otherwise you may use your legs to push back up. That will rob you of the actual benefits of this move. Making it more difficult... Since I don't have the proper equipment I can't do full body weight
dips, but if you have that stuff then go for full body weight! Full body
weight is the toughest way to do a tricep dip. If you don't have the stuff but want to make it more difficult you can use two chairs. One you would use in the same way and the other you would rest your feet on (pictured). You would complete the move the same way it would just be much tougher.
Focus: Triceps (back of arms)
I like to throw in mini cardio every 3 exercises because it gives my muscles a break without me taking a break. Plus then I burn more calories. My mini cardio today will be hula hooping continuously for 2 songs alternating with a 2 song dance break. With that thrown in my workout will proceed like this
Glute bridge raises, triangle push up, exercise ball roll in, hula hoop for 2 songs, kickbacks, hip lifts, dips, 2 song dance break, glute bridge raises, etc.
If you find doing 10 reps of each is too difficult you can cut it down to 7 reps of each.
Cool down
Static stretching with a focus on abs, lower back, and tricep stretches. Hold each one for 30 seconds.
Tricep stretch (do both sides) |
Arms across body (both sides) |
Touch toes (try not to bend your knees) |
Cobra stretch |
Backbend. Try to have your arms straight. |
Child's pose. For and extra stretch for the obliques reach to one side and hold then reach to the other side and hold |
Done! Get your post workout drink and be happy with your day!
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