There it is homemade by me! This is what I would like to have for breakfast everyday. I usually only have time to make the omelet though. Anyway the reason it is a breakfast of champions is because it gives me protein, iron, calcium, vitamin C, potassium and a whole host of other stuff. First I shall give you a description of this breakfast and then I'll give you my general rules for breakfast.
The above breakfast consists of a spinach, red and green bell pepper, and cheese omelet, 2 slices of toast and jam, an apple, and peanut butter and yogurt dip for the apple.
To make on omelet you need a non-stick pan otherwise it will likely not work. If you can't make an omelet scrabbled eggs will work with all the stuff tossed in the pan as well. I was going to explain how to make an omelet but it is way too difficult to write down coherently. There are plenty of videos on youtube so you can search it if you want to learn how. Just some important things to note: too many eggs in the pan will make it extremely difficult to make a good omelet, adding milk does not make eggs fluffier, and you can literally put ANYTHING in an omelet I once had hummus in my omelet, quite good. I usually don't have meat in my morning omelets (I sometimes have omelets for dinner or lunch or whenever...). This is for no reason other than I'm a poor college student and I like to save the meat for a later meal. My omelet is how I get vegetables in the morning and I get protein from the eggs.
The peanut butter and yogurt mixture tastes really good on apple slices. I make it by mixing plain Greek yogurt and smooth peanut butter. Equal parts of each tastes good but I mix and taste. It's different each time I make it. The peanut butter is good on apples alone but I find it doesn't stick as well plus the yogurt makes it more filling. I have it as a snack sometimes too. It has protein from the peanut butter, and calcium from the yogurt plus my yogurt always has live and active cultures so that is even better!
My toast is whole grain and the jelly is homemade by my grandma so it is just grapes and maybe some sugar.
This breakfast is pretty balanced and it gives me a good start for the day. I'm not too full from it but I don't get hungry early.
My Breakfast Rules
Try to focus on one major group for breakfast either vegetables or fruit, explanation later
Don't stuff myself
* Nothing sweet for breakfast (No donuts, cinnamon rolls, muffins, etc)
Eat within an hour or so of waking
Beyond that I eat whatever I want for breakfast! Let me explain...
Focusing on one group is just so I don't try to get everything in at once. I find that I don't get enough fruit so I try to get some in at every meal. I always get veggies because of the omelet so I focus on getting fruit in during breakfast.
I don't stuff myself because I want to get energy from breakfast, not be so full I want to fall asleep after. Eating too much means you use too much energy to digest thus you become tired.
I don't eat anything sweet because sugar is not a good way to start the day. I do however have sweets after breakfast (if I'm craving some) or for brunch or when I'm really lazy. The key is don't make it a regular thing but don't feel guilty if you do have something sweet, it doesn't help to do that. Have a sweet if you want to, enjoy it and get over it.
You want to eat within an hour of waking because when you wake up you're waking up from starving. You were starving all night and that means your blood sugar is low. Eating just about anything will bring your blood sugar back up to the normal level. If you don't then your body goes into survival mode. Survival mode means that your body tries to keep as many nutrients as possible so when you finally do eat your body keeps everything because it thinks you're starving. That means you end up with more nutrients than you need and extra nutrients gets deposited for later on your stomach, hips, etc.
That is the story of breakfast for me. It's the most important meal of the day so eat up and enjoy!
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